About Us

Amihoud Borocov - Law Office

Founded in 1989, our multilingual practice works exclusively in family law and specializes in cases with an international dimension. Our lawyers speak Hebrew, English, and French at mother tongue level. We believe that good communication between lawyer and client is essential to effective representation in international family law disputes. A significant proportion of our clients are non-Israeli and live overseas.  

Legal Practice Areas and Activities

We offer individual legal counselling and negotiation, in English or Hebrew, and litigation /representation before all the relevant civil courts in Israel - Family Court, District Court, Supreme Court and Supreme Court of Justice. We also represent clients before religious courts e.g. Rabbinical Court and Greater Rabbinical court. Attorney Amihoud Borochov, who has over 30 years' experience in Israeli family law, is our chief litigator/advocate.

Our practice has an international slant and prepares legal opinions on all aspects of Israeli family law for legal proceedings in foreign courts, including testimony in Hague Convention child abduction cases. Louise Elizabeth Borochov, who is British-born and educated, heads our international desk.

The issues we deal with are:

Child Custody/Visitation Rights:

Filing of pleas / defence in cases for child custody /visitation rights; case management.

International Child Abduction/Relocation of Minors:

Filing of pleas for return of abducted children (including Hague Convention cases) / defence of child abduction proceedings. Pleas for relocation of minors/defence in relocation proceedings; case management.

Civil Marriage/Acquiring Citizenship :

Management and administrative back-up of civil marriage arrangements abroad. Representation before Ministry of Interior in Israel concerning registration of marriage, and acquiring citizenship.

Divorce and Dissolution of Marriage :

Filing of divorce pleas and defence pleadings at Rabbinical Court; Pleas for Dissolution of Marriage (civil divorce) and defence of these proceedings; management of divorce and dissolution of marriage cases.


Filing of all maintenance pleas in family context, including women's and children's; defence of husbands/fathers sued for maintenance; filing /defence of pleas for the increase or reduction of maintenance payments.


Pleas to divide property ownership / protect property rights/balance resources; Pleas for declaratory judgments concerning rights; temporary orders.


Pre-nuptial agreements; divorce/dissolution of marriage/separation/marital reconciliation agreements; property relations agreements between married couples; agreements between cohabiting couples; family life agreements; child custody/visitation rights agreements; maintenance agreements.


Drafting of wills in English or Hebrew; applications for probate/orders to distribute estate; representation in inheritance cases including opposition to applications for inheritance orders/probate.

Violence Within Family:

Filing for protection orders/injunctions and defence against them relating to physical and verbal violence within the family and stalking. Representation in associated criminal proceedings between family members.

Parenthood/Guardianship :

Legal representation/litigation concerning : * single parents * paternity * unmarried couples *adoption .

Appeals & Petitions:

Appeals to District Court, Supreme Court & Greater Rabbinical Court. Petitions before the Supreme Court of Justice.

Staff Profiles

Adv. Amihoud Borochov - Practice Head

Born in Israel, 1952. Graduated from Tel Aviv University, Israel, (L.L.B), admitted to Israel Bar 1989. Languages: Hebrew & English.

Adv. Louise Elizabeth Borochov

Born in U.K, 1957. Graduated from Durham University, England, B.A. Joint Hons. ( Law & Politics ), Bournemouth University, England, (C.P.E. in Law), admitted to Israel Bar 2000. Languages: English & Hebrew.

Adv. Diana Shaltiel

Graduated Bar Ilan University, Israel, (L.L.B & M.A. English Literature), admitted to Israel Bar 2002. Languages: Hebrew, English & French.

Special External Consultant on UK Law:

Prof. Dr. Adv. Susan Maidment Kershner – 

Born in U.K, 1944.Graduated London School of Economics, England (LL.B., LL.M.), University of Keele, England (LL.D). Barrister (UK), 1969, admitted to Israel Bar, 2003. Recorder (part-time family judge), UK, 1998. Co-editor of Clarke, Hall, and Morrison on Children (Butterworths/Lexis). Lecturer on English law and child abduction in Israel and England. 
Languages: English & Hebrew. 

English Website:

Chief Editor: Adv. Louise Elizabeth Borochov